How To Link Your Instagram To Your Facebook

If you have an Instagram and Facebook account, linking the two together can be a great way to increase your

If you have an Instagram and Facebook account, linking the two together can be a great way to increase your reach and streamline your social media marketing efforts. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to link your Instagram to your Facebook.

How to Link Your Instagram to Your Facebook

Step 1: Open Your Instagram Account

Firstly, open your Instagram account and head to your profile page by tapping on the profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Open your Settings

Next, click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the screen to open your settings menu.

Step 3: Navigate to the Linked Accounts Section

In the settings menu, scroll down until you find the "Linked Accounts" section. Click on this option to proceed.

Step 4: Select Facebook

In the Linked Accounts section, you'll see several social media platforms listed. Find Facebook and click on it to proceed.

Step 5: Enter your Facebook Login Information

You'll then be prompted to enter your Facebook login information. This is the email address and password associated with your Facebook account. Enter this information and click "Log In."

Step 6: Adjust Your Sharing Settings

After logging into Facebook, you'll be asked to choose the audience for your Instagram posts when they're shared on Facebook. You can choose to share your posts with your Facebook friends, your Facebook page, or a combination of both. Select the option that best suits your needs.

Step 7: Finish Linking Your Accounts

Once you've selected your sharing settings, click on "Done" to complete the process of linking your Instagram to your Facebook account.

Benefits of Linking Your Instagram to Your Facebook Account

Linking your Instagram to your Facebook account offers a range of benefits, including:

  1. Increased Reach

By linking your Instagram to your Facebook account, you'll be able to reach a wider audience as your posts will automatically be shared on both platforms.

  1. Streamlined Social Media Marketing

Linking your accounts makes it easier to manage your social media marketing efforts, as you'll be able to post to both platforms simultaneously.

  1. Cross-Promotion

Cross-promoting your Instagram account on Facebook and vice versa can help you grow your following on both platforms.


Linking your Instagram to your Facebook account is a quick and easy process that can help you increase your reach, streamline your social media marketing efforts, and grow your following on both platforms. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily link your accounts and start reaping the benefits of cross-promotion today.
