Why Is My Facebook Messenger Not Working?

Facebook Messenger is a popular messaging app that allows users to chat, share media, and make voice and video

Facebook Messenger is a popular messaging app that allows users to chat, share media, and make voice and video calls with their Facebook friends and contacts. However, sometimes the app may encounter problems or errors that prevent it from working properly. If you're experiencing issues with Facebook Messenger, here are some possible reasons and solutions.

Outdated app version

Facebook Messenger releases frequent updates that improve performance, fix bugs, and add new features. If you haven't updated the app in a while, it may be running an outdated version that's incompatible with the current Facebook platform. To check if there's a newer version available, go to the app store on your device (e.g., Google Play Store or Apple App Store), search for Facebook Messenger, and see if there's an update button. If so, download and install the update, and then restart the app.

Poor internet connection

Facebook Messenger requires a stable and fast internet connection to send and receive messages and calls. If your internet connection is weak, slow, or intermittent, you may experience delays, errors, or dropouts in Messenger. To troubleshoot this issue, try switching to a different Wi-Fi network, turning off and on the Wi-Fi or cellular data, or resetting the network settings on your device. You can also check if other apps or websites are working fine with your internet connection to rule out a general connectivity problem.

Full device storage

Facebook Messenger may stop working or crash if your device's storage is almost full. This is because Messenger needs some free space to store temporary data, cache, and media files. If your device's storage is running low, try deleting some unused apps, photos, videos, or documents to free up space. You can also clear the cache and data of Messenger by going to the app settings, selecting storage or memory, and tapping on clear cache and clear data. Note that clearing data will log you out of Messenger and erase your chat history, so make sure to backup important messages before doing so.

Privacy or permission settings

Facebook Messenger may also be affected by the privacy or permission settings on your device. If you have disabled some important permissions, such as microphone, camera, contacts, or storage access, Messenger may not be able to function properly. To check and adjust your permissions, go to the device settings, select apps or application manager, find Messenger, and tap on permissions. Make sure that all the relevant permissions are enabled and allowed. You can also check if Messenger is included in the list of apps allowed to run in the background, as some devices may restrict background activities to save battery or data.

Server or app issues

Finally, Facebook Messenger may not be working due to server or app issues that are beyond your control. This can happen if there's a global outage, a maintenance update, a security breach, or a bug in the app itself. To check if there's an official announcement or status update about the issue, go to the Facebook Help Center or the Messenger Twitter account. You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling Messenger, or switching to a different messaging app, until the issue is resolved.


Facebook Messenger not working can be frustrating and inconvenient, but there are usually some simple solutions that you can try to fix the issue. By checking your app version, internet connection, storage space, permissions, and server status, you can narrow down the possible causes and apply the appropriate remedies. If none of these methods work, you can seek further assistance from Facebook support or the online community of Messenger users. Remember to keep your Messenger app and device updated and secure, and to use it responsibly and respectfully.
